“Fadlilatul ‘Ulama Rahimakumullah”
Throughout the Universe.
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahilladzi kholaqol insa-na fi asani taqwim, waja’al qur-ana hudan lil muttaqin. Wasola-tu wassala-mu ‘ala Muhammadin kho-taman nabiyyin, wa’ala a-lihi washahbihi ajma’in, Wa ba’du.
Verily there are no words we have to say toward Praise of Allah Who has given it to ‘Ulama. We are aware that ”’Ulama is the mandate owner of Rasulullah and Allah upon His creatures.” Therefore, we would like to beg Allah for His Mercy and apologize to all ‘Ulama who are exalted by Allah in terms of our simplicity choice of words. It all emerges from the deepest conscience that is motivated by the command from the Direction of Allah and the guidance from Muhammad PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) in line with his Hadits (Good deeds and sayings of Muhammad PBUH).
We are convinced that ‘Ulama has comprehended that the journey of Muslims for the time being has been trapped inside the “pattern and program of infidels” which jeopardize mankind around the world through their globalization process that they have been sophisticatedly designed and built. The cry of “humanity” has been in one voice which is the longing to set free from the colony of infidel-oriented slavery (jibti and thaghut) and to be perfectly free as the creature of Allah to get protection from the truth of Islam. What it all comes down to is, of course, going toward the realization of Islam Sovereignty (Daulah Islamiyah) around the world as Promised by Allah.
It is a fact that the Western world has been in crisis of modern mankind, who obviously intimidate humanity, full of instability, and emptiness. It is because they antagonize Muslims all over the world through all of their alibis such as their brutal action in Middle Eastern countries. And they have purposely accused Muslims who they describe as “insurgent throughout the time” without being proportionally able to explain the cause of it.
Whereas, the reality is that mankind are supposed to know about the sacrifice of Muslim. Unfortunately, the history facts have never been revealed to the surface of mankind where all the sacrifices and struggles of Muslims are only described as lullabies with no concrete evidences. So it is not a mistake if Muslims who will be guided by ‘Ulama to “reconstruct and deconstruct” the past. Furthermore, it is undeniable that mankind across the globe are in need of Islam because Islam has positive messages such as justice, peace, and brotherhood. Islam always creates concern and affection especially on inter-mankind relationship without discriminating against ethnics, races, nations, or beliefs.
It is tremendously big longing that mankind has upon the awakening of ‘Ulama. Lawfully, ‘Ulamas are heroes of the glory of Islam. It is because they are supposed to be the pioneer in revealing the layer of unreasonable fear (libasul khouf). They have actually prepared themselves as pioneers to draw nearer to Mercy and Wish of Allah. It is their hands that are supposed to be able to unite the glory of Islam with the spirit of awareness. It is even also in their hands that are able to separate.
Fadlilatul ‘Ulama!
Between the spirit of passiveness and the spirit of perseverance (jihad).
What a graceful it is to memorize the statement of Muhammad PBUH that ‘Ulama is the mandate owner of Rasulullah Muhammad PBUH and ‘Ulama is the mandate owner of Allah upon His creatures. It is because ‘Ulama has fully comprehended the signal from Allah and comprehensively understand the integrated manner and the guidance of Muhammad PBUH which will mean to have owned intellectual maturity and integrated personality.
In this very short and simple writing, as a servant of Allah, I’d like to inform my brother ‘Ulamas who are exalted by Allah around the globe that it is in line with the signs Recited by Allah SWT in Al Qur-an and are also informed by Muhammad PBUH that :
A. The sovereignty of Islam throughout the universe has been established by the messengers of Allah namely Harun (Aaron) and Musa (Moses) based on the Command of Allah (QS Al A’ra-f, 7 : 160) and then has been ended since the delegating of Isa (Jesus) ibnu Maryam (QS Az Zukhruf, 43 : 61) as the final journey for the children of Yaqob (Jacob) who is the son of Ishaq (Isac) in carrying out the mandate of the nearest of kin to Abraham (Millah Ibrahim) as recited in QS Al Hajj, 22 : 78. Therefore, this is called as the First Phase of victory of Islam Sovereignty throughout the universe.
B. The next Daulah Islamiyah will be established by Allah with all His Might through the teaching and ideal role model reflected by Rasulullah PBUH along with Khulafaur Rasyidin where it is in line with the statement from Muhammad PBUH that Allah will absolutely establish Daulah Islamiyah throughout the world at the end of era on His solely might (valid Hadits Muslim). And this thing will be guided by muttabi’ur Rasul (the follower of Muhammad PBUH) even though in its process is (and will be) disturbed by the infidels and pagan : The People of the Book namely Jews (QS Ali ‘Imran, 3 : 67-69). It is absolute that Allah will give the next leadership to muttabi’ur Rasul upon mankind through out the universe through the process of jaddal, munadharah, and mubahala’ as recited in QS Al Hasyr, 59 : 2. And then the Daulah Islamiyah will be mandated by Allah to the hands of khilafatul Muslimin (QS An Nu-r, 24 : 55). So, this is called the Second and the Last Phase of victory of Daulah Islamiyah all over the universe toward the end of era.
Those are all facts that will happen and be implemented in line with the description in Al Qur-an through the study of Ishmael’s manner in helping to raise the foundation of Ka’bah together with Abraham under Command and Direction of Allah (QS Al Baqarah, 2 : 127).
Ya Ikhwan, Fadlilatul ‘Ulama Rahimakumullah!
To achieve the Victory Day promised by Allah, it is a definite obligation to use the main base namely the direction of management from Al Qur-an as recited in QS Al Furqa-n, 25 : 52 along with its right stages as recited in QS Al Insyiqa-q, 84 : 19 and valid Hadits from Rasulullah as listed in QS Al Hujura-t, 49 : 7, not with the conflagration or brutality. Those can be achieved with the modesty (tawadlu) of ‘Ulama together with the believers. Because the key for the accomplishment is the direction from the character of Muhammad PBUH and the miracle (Mu’jizat) and privilege (maziyyah) of Al Qur-an.
The current fact that the direction of Al Qur-an has met with the reality that Allah will elevate this universally leadership, was started from the process of oppression done by pharaoh (QS Al Qashash, 28 : 25). As also a fact of history that muslims of Malay ethnic have suffered from the colony and oppression for more than 4 (four) centuries. And for the time being, Jews and European Union (EU) with their alibis has been attempting to destroy Muslim countries in
Based on the signal from the guidance of Al Qur-an, all ‘Ulama of Malay ethnic must be on the alert to actively support, defend, and follow the ‘Ulama of Malay ethnic summit which will take place in 2010, Insha Allah. This conference is an initial step and will be continued to the summit of ‘Ulama throughout the universe which will take place in 2015, Insya Allah.
All of these will surely work out because they are on the facade of ‘Ulamas who use “transparent spectacles” Al Qur-an, have witnessed the Promise of Allah at the end of era namely Islam Sovereignty all over the world under the Absolute Authority and Might of Allah.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Muhammad Bardan Kindarto
From a servant of Allah,
AKUIS (Mandate of Prosperity of Moslem) Foundation-Center
Jalan Raya